Learn about the New Kingdom of Righteousness here
Aims and Objectives
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is established by God Himself, with the foundations which were laid by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, everything is done in accordance with the Holy Spirit
To Love One Another as taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ and practiced by The Holy Father, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe. Matthew 22: 37-40
To cater for the needs of sinners, and convert them to the Path of Righteousness.
To spread the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to all parts of the world. “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.” John 20: 21
To follow the footprints of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not only by preaching the Gospel but by practicing same. “If ye love Me, keep My commandments”; and “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” John 14: 15 and John 13: 15
To establish and develop physical infrastructures such as Educational and Health Institutions, Agricultural Enterprises and Industries; and to engage in other lawful activities to generate funds for the welfare of people in different parts of the world, thus, enhancing the spiritual emancipation of humanity.
It is a mandatory passage rite into God’s Kingdom now established on earth. Baptism of Repentance and of The Holy Spirit as administered solely by BCS today is the gateway to salvation, and into the Kingdom of God. No one is forced to baptize.
Through it, the Gift of The Holy Spirit is bestowed unto man. All those seeking for the Kingdom of God must observe this FIRST STEP of Baptism by Immersion notwithstanding whether or not one had been baptized elsewhere (Acts 19: 1-7).
Marriage Blessing
Marriage as a holy institution is recommended for all brethren of the fold, that is, if they so wish, but on the condition that a man must be husband to one wife, and a woman be wife to one husband.
Solemnization of Marriage in BCS is the highest anybody can desire to experience, because it is done by The Holy Spirit. The Holy Father advises that all brethren have their marriages blessed in BCS even if they were married in Court or Church prior to their baptism.
Child Blessing
Child Blessing is a divine practice of ancient origin. It is a form of acknowledgement and acceptance by a family or couple of God’s love and gift experienced in the form of a child. In reciprocity, the child is given back to God for His eternal blessing, guidance and protection.
As Our Lord Jesus Christ was presented in the Temple of God on the eighth day, it is mandatory that every child born into BCS is blessed as such (Luke 2: 21-22). The blessing is done either during Morning Devotion or Evening Service, but with strong emphasis on the eighth day.
Love Feast
Love Feast is a sacrament introduced by The Holy Spirit. It is to commemorate the Passover Feast or Last Supper during which Our God and Saviour changed Bread to His Living Body, and Wine to His Priceless Blood. Daily, BCS celebrates Love Feast in fulfillment of the Scriptures in Luke 22: 15-20 and I Cor. 11: 23-26.
Love Feast is very sacred and can accomplish anything. Feast is not food that one eats to be filled (I Cor. 11: 20-34). When served, one is expected to kneel. Feast in BCS is purely vegan and consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice, water.